Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Abbey by Chris Culver

The AbbeyThe Abbey by Chris Culver
My rating: B (7/10) - Enjoyable

When Detective Ash Rashid, finds out that his niece has been murdered, he begins to follow the case.  When the evidence doesn't add up to what the homicide detective rules the case, he gets involved in the investigation and then gets way in over his head, to the point that he no longer knows who he can trust.

I thought this book was well written with some really good twists and turns that kept my interest.  I really liked Ash and felt he was a believable character.  I am familiar to Indianapolis, so I enjoyed the reference to Monument Circle and other locations around the city.

At one time this was my go-to genre, but I haven't read a detective mystery in some time because they all started to blend together and brought nothing new.  This one definitely brought something new and interesting, and I would read more from Chris Culver.

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