- PBT Dec Tag: Other
- Monthly Mixer Mele: F in February
"The universe doesn't like secrets. It conspires to reveal the truth, to lead you to it." - Beautiful Lies by Lisa Unger
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
For My Daughters by Barbara Delinsky
Friday, December 25, 2009
Beat the Reaper by Josh Bazell
- PBT Dec Tag: Other
- Monthly Mixer Mele - B in decemBer
- Fantasy Thriller Horror Yahoo Group - December Discussion
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thriller and Suspense Reading Challenge 2010
2. Dexter by Design by Jeff Lindsay
3. Fear by Jeff Abbott (Audio)
4. Case Histories by Kate Atkinson
5. Loves Music, Loves to Dance by Mary Higgins Clark
6. 8th Confession by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro
7. Dust to Dust by Tami Hoag (3/19)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
My Christmas Puppies
Hope you enjoy them!

Monday, December 21, 2009
Survivor Samoa Finale

So how does someone who skates on someone's curtails win? I am a woman who started out hating Russell but ended up rooting for him because he's Survivor genius. if you are someone who watched this season regularly, I would hope that you could agree at least that he is the best survivor player ever. I wouldn't want to be friends (or enemies) with him. But, he was amazing... He found immunity idols, over and over again, without knowing that they even existed and without clues. and even when it truly mattered he won immunity. It kills me to say it but he was a master at this game. He was ruthless and a liar but it's a game, not real life - it's a competition for money and thats the idea. Get people to trust you, do what you have to do to survive and win. But he didn't win, the girl, Natalie, who rode his curtails the entire time won. Some would say she deserved to win because she was nice to everyone and didn't stab anyone in the back.. but the truth is, she had no problems letting Russell do the dirty work and crossing people at the vote, so she is not so angelic as we let her seem.
Now, she did win and that's the point of the game, so you have to give her a hand for that and she did try hard on all the challenges, I just don't like that she claims to have played the game so innocently and kind and all the while scheming to stab people in the back and having someone else do the heavy lifting. She certainly latched on to the right person to get herself to the finals. Russell deserved to win, the problem is all the people on the jury were too personally involved, as he was the puppet master that led to them to being eliminated. If they looked back and really voted for who was the best player, they would change their vote... but it's a popularity contest and they were jaded.. so Natalie won. The problem is no one who is crossed by someone else, in a game or in real life, is going to put their name down for a million dollars. The truth is they didn't so much as vote for her but against Russell.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Princes of Ireland by Edward Rutherfurd
Part I of The Dublin Saga takes you from Ireland in 480 A.D through its history ending in the year 1537. I really wanted to enjoy this book but it never truly grabbed me. In the very beginning I was intrigued by some of the characters (Deirdre and Cornall) but they never developed before we were jumped to a new time with new characters. I was never really able to get comfortable in a time period before I was thrusted into a new one. I forced myself to finish this book although I had to re-read pieces several times because I found myself zoning out. I gave it 2 stars because although I didn't like it, I didn't hate it either. Some pieces were intriguing and interesting but all in all it was like reading a history book. I was hoping it would be more like Pillars of the Earth with it's writing but it is no where near it - in my eyes.
- PBT Dec Tag: Other
- Monthly Mixer Mele Challenge (P in April)
Monday, December 14, 2009
I've Got Mail Monday!

The one I was waiting for the most was Happy Hour by Michelle Scott:

I entered a contest on Michelle Scott's website and won 7 copies for my face to face book club at home. We will be reading this in January so please check back for my review in late January.
The Synopsis:
Every woman has that group of friends in her life ~ her "go to girls" The friends that she can turn to who "get it." The ones who are there for you no matter what. The ones who laugh with you and cry with you. The ones that will always be there. These are the women of Napa Valley.
Jamie is the editor-in-chief of Wine Lover's Magazine, a single mother and caretaker to her senile mother-in-law ~ a woman who thinks her daily caregiver is Dean Martin. Jamie is still recovering, financially and emotionally from the death of her husband several years earlier. And when she finds what could be the key to happiness, can she open the door and let it in? Or will her feelings of guilt and betrayal hold her back?
Danielle is a vintner and the divorced mom of two. She's basking in what she knows is going to be a successful launch of her new wines. Wines she created on her own after her divorce. But what she doesn't expect is for her daughter to come home with news that will shock her to her core. Will an old flame help her accept the changes that are coming and find the love she's been missing in her life for so long? Or will a tragedy that no one sees coming change their lives forever?
Kat is a sommelier, co-owner of a magnificent restaurant with her chef husband, and mother of a blended family. But is being deeply in love with your husband enough to get them through the teenage years, step-children and exes? And what happens when old faces return and she's faced with the knowledge that not everything is what you thought it was. What happens when she finds she was mad at the wrong person and finds out the "right one" was in the wrong? Can she forgive and move on? Can love overcome everything and truly bring a family together?
Alyssa is an artist and gallery owner with a secret of her own. One she was hoping would stay buried deep in her closet. But the time has come for her to put someone else first, to face the past and to deal with her demons. What she never expected to find was love and her "home."
No matter what is going on in their own lives, no matter the heartache or joy they're experiencing these four women are always there to love, support and encourage each other.
The other book I received in the mail this week was Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris.
This is the second book in Charlaine Harris' popular Southern Vampire Mysteries series. Telepathic vampire maven (and cocktail waitress) Sookie Stackhouse has been tasked with locating an abducted vampire and suppressing an upstart anti-undead religious cult.
Have you received any good or highly anticipated books this past week in your mailbox?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Weekly Geeks: 2009-45: Making a List?

I've been falling behind on the Weekly Geeks lately so this one should snap me back into the swing.
Do you buy books for people on your gift list? Do you choose books for them that you like and try to influence their reading (or hope they'll loan it to you when they're done)? Or do you get specific titles from your giftee?
Where do you buy your book gifts? Do you shop at local independent bookstores, or the "big box" stores? or do you shop online?
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesday, December 08, 2009
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
Favorite Quote "That which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves."
- PBT Dec Tag: Other
- 12 Days of Christmas Challenge Day 4: Animals
- Monthly Mixer Mele Challenge: A for Art (A in jAnuary)
- Reading Cover Group, Bonus Book
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Timeline by Michael Crichton
In trying to write my review of this book, I find myself grasping for words. I can't even intellegently say what this book was really about. Sure, it's about Quantum time travel, and a group of archeologists studying a historical site are able to travel back to medievel times and see the site in it's fully glory.. While there they get into all kinds of trouble and getting back isn't as easy as getting there was. There are some twists and turns regarding the time travel and the corporation that is secretly working on the time travel.
I love the idea of time travel in science fiction so I thought I would love this one. but this is the first Chricton book that didn't grab me and didn't keep me interested. Im sitting here after finishing it feeling disappointed, I didn't love the story and I didn't love the characters. It just didn't keep me interested. I just couldn't keep all the details straight and I thought too much was going on, in both the past and present. I just feel like I missed a bunch of pages in the middle or something. I could have done without reading this one.
This book fills the following Challenges/Categories for me:PBT Dec Tag: Other
Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 3 France
Monthly Mixer Mele Challenge: T in (augusT)
The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus
Nanny works as a nanny to help make ends meet while she's finishing college. She's been a nanny before so she is familiar with the territory but nothing prepares her for the Xes. The Xes are a typical upper class family in NYC where the Husband is always "working" , the mother is always shopping or planning events and the child, Grayer in this case, is left to be raised by the nanny.
The book was well written but at times a bit on the depressing side. You couldn't help but be angry at nanny for allowing herself to be such a pushover and you couldn't help but feel sorry for Grayer. But there were some really funny scenes and even scenes where Mrs. X seems almost human. All in all it was an enjoyable read.
I read this for my face to face book club and the whole group really enjoyed the book. We had some good discussions on Why Nanny would stay in this environment for so long and how Grayer would be as an adult.
This books fits the following Categories/Challenges:PBT Dec Tag: Satire
Monthly Mixer Mele - N in November
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
November Wrap-up

- The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen - 3.5 / 5 Stars
- How to catch and keep a vampire by Diana Laurence 2/5 Stars
- Dark Tort by Diane Mott Davidson - 2/5 Stars
- Pitch Black by Susan Crandall - 3/5 Stars
- Rosie Dunne by Cecilia Ahern - 3.5/5 Stars
Challenges coming to an end this month:
... Dark Tort - YUM! (by Diane Mott Davidson)
Dark Tort by Diane Mott Davidson
Rosie Dunne by Cecilia Ahern
Rating: 3.5/5 Stars - rounded down to 3
Cecilia Ahern has a way with writing a happy ending.. She takes the absolute longest possible route to find it. Somehow this makes it all the more sweeter when the characters you see go through such turmoil and tragedy, end up being happy and OK with the path's their life took in the end.
Rosie Dunne is the story of the trials and tribulations of Rosie, written in an epistolary format of letters, E-mail and instant messaging chats with all the people in her life over the years. People come and go but her best Friend Alex is the one constant in her life, this relationship is complex and flawed and really wonderful all wrapped up in one.
This book had some tough subject matter for me in the middle but it was worth getting through. Ahern really knows how to write good chick-lit with a twist.
This book fills the following Challenges/Categories for me:
PBT Nov Tag : Other
Twelve Days of Christmas Challenge: Day 2 - Love
Monthly Mixer Mele Challenge - R in novembeR