Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Night Boat to TangierNight Boat to Tangier by Kevin Barry
My Goodreads rating: 2 of 5 stars

My Personal rating: 4/10 C (Average)

I had no real preconceived ideas about this book when I started it. This book was chosen by my work book club and although I knew it was more of a character study, which is not my go to, I didn't know much else going in. The first 100 pages were very hard for me to read. The writing style is very different than anything i'd ever read before. There are no quotations to let you know when someone is speaking versus simply thinking or acting. I later learned that this was intentional and that it was meant to be read more like a poem. After the 100 pages though, i did start to get into the groove and was geniunely curious about the characters.

I don't want to give away the ending so I will just say that this book wasn't written for me - and that's ok. I don't regret reading it - i definitely appreciated pieces of this story and seeing another writing style but I don't think I will be picking up another book by Kevin Barry. It's just not for everyone, and it's not for me. I see how much people loved this writing style, but I'm just more of a plot driven reader. Not every book needs to be for everyone.

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