I just received this book as an ARC request and Im excited to get to reading it. The package it came in was a nice little package from Sellers Publishing. There was nice letter from the publisher as well as other features: A promo sheet, Publishers Weekly listing from August 31, 2009, a publishers weekly article on the book from Sept 14, 2009, a Jazma Online article about the book from September 10th, a Fall Book catalog, a press release and a backgrounder on the publisher.
I've received many ARCs but never have I received a package like this, it was a nice touch and I hope the book does well for them. Also, I'd like to mention that when I requested the ARC, I received a very nice personal email response from them and it was a very nice gesture.
That said.. I will be posting my review when as soon as read it - Sometime this month.
Here's the Synopsis from BN.com:
Discover the Secret of the Red Satin Ribbon . . .In How to Catch and Keep a Vampire: A Step-by-Step Guide to Loving the Bad and the Beautiful, author Diana Laurence explores the romantic fascination we mortals have for the undead. Why do perfectly normal people fall for such sinister beings? And more importantly, what should we do about it when we do? Diana Laurence knows. With loads of personal experience to draw upon, Laurence does everything from explaining the attraction to blood-drinkers, to sharing what red satin signifies to them. In this book, she has created a road map to show readers how a vampire relationship can be achieved and conducted in harmony with everyday existence.
Looking forward to your review Faith, this one looks interesting, especially given all the vampire books that are out there now.